Wednesday, November 14, 2012

White People Racialized

This post is about two things: one, that you are awesome, and two, that white people can be racialized, too.

First, you're awesome! These are GREAT comments on really great posts. I'm really impressed and keep it up! (Bonus points for bonus posting beyond your homework assignment, but not if it's "I agree!" because I get an email about all of these, all right?)

Second, white people are racialized too! It's less likely to be detrimental (and more likely to be a privilege, like presuming a white teenager in a corner store isn't going to steal but a teenager of color is), and sometimes it's a racialization for the funnies. Por ejemplo, has a litany of images like this one:

about how sad white people are that Romney lost. 

This tumblr shows the racialization of white voters - that they voted for Romney, and that they are sad about Obama winning. My experience might tell me that lots of white people voted for Obama, and lots of people of color voted for Romney, but the dominant ideology functions to tell me that white people voted for Romney and are sad, and does so through race. 


  1. People are shaped by a complicated network of identity in this society. However, we are easily intend to simplify our indentity through overgeneralization. For example, white people not only include those who are rich, but also who are poor and suffer from suppression of upper class or government policy. They may support Obama's welfare reform or other Democratic policies. Also not all people of color belong to "need help group". Some African-Americans, Latinos or Asian-Americans may also have the idea of "culture of poverty" and even discriminate people from their own race. Like in the film we watched on Thurday, there are also soldiers of color and they may be happy to serve Bush Administration.

    The original American Dream never chooses a certain ethnic group because to some extend they are all immigrants. What distinguishs us is our identities, which is always changing with different situations. So when facing a phenomenon, we need to closely examine differet powers exerting on that thing and stratify multiple identities to make conclusion more persuasive.

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