Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Aimee Mullins on Disabiltiies


  In This TED talk Aimee Mullins, an amputee herself, explains how the disabled are labeled as not being whole.  She refers to an entry in a dictionary on the word "disabled" which lists crippled, helpless, useless, weakened, maimed, wrecked etc.  Mullins states that these descriptions listed in the dictionary make people believe in them once they are given the label.  Although they are just words, they can be very discouraging to those that are disabled.
          The arbitrary labeling of the disabled relates to Caeton's lecture, and the medical model of disability.  The medical model states that people live their lives according to the diagnosis they are given.  Doctors are supposed to determine the future quality of life for the disabled.  However, in this TED talk Mullins argues that people do not have to live by the medical model. Mullins believes that people are in control of their own lives not matter what label they are given.  Mullins says, "there is an important difference and distinction between the objective medical fact of my being an amputee, and the subjective societal opinion of whether or not I am disabled."
           Mullins argues that although it is definitely true she is an amputee, labels of her being "not whole" or "useless" are just meaningless opinions of society.  She can still achieve a fulfilling life even though she is disabled.  She cannot let labels bother her.  It is up to her and her willpower to determine how she is going to live her life.

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