Monday, November 26, 2012

Chevy Commercial on Thanksgiving

Over break I had the chance to watch NFL and I noticed a Chevy commercial that repeatedly pushed the fact that they are an American company throughout the 30 second clip. I'm sure that American pride like such appeals to middle age, football watching men. You could argue that this is because it will help American businesses, but at the same time, it plays into American Exceptionalism. Chevy, and American companies alike rely on the idea that the driver feels proud enough in their country to buy a car that "represents" America. I think of men who sit down with friends, a beer and watch football as some of the most proud Americans. Even more so, on Thanksgiving, Chevy can appeal to the proud American viewers.

As a driver of a Honda Civic, it would take more for me to sacrifice the excellent mileage and relatively cheap cost, but supporting America certainly has its appeal.


  1. I feel like in today's world, Americans are becoming more concerned about the products they buy and how they improve and help America. I agree that more and more people are concerned with how their car "represents" America, and feel like possessing these products show how American they really are. In "Typical American," Ralph and his family wish to buy a car because they feel it will help them fit into society. Nowadays, just doing this isn't enough. The cars that people drive have to represent American ideals and beliefs, and the emphasis on "American Made" products is being increasingly incorporated into the lives of citizens across the country.

  2. I agree that buying a Chevy car is part of American Exceptionalism, the idea that Americans are proud to be unique. People may account many reasons for buying an American car, but I think many times that those purchasing American cars have an underlying feeling that these cars the best simply because they are American. Also, the idea of owning an American made car is part of material culture. Different cars can indicate different things about the owner. In this example, an American made car shows that the owner is proud of his or her country.

  3. this is a really smart and interesting set of questions about car culture and American exceptionalism! well done, y'all.
