Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mean Girls

Today my neighbors 'forced' me to watch the movie Mean Girls with Lindsey Lohan. In the film Lindsey Lohan plays an American girl named Cady who has spent most of her life living in Africa. The one scene that really stuck out to me in this film was when Cady was asked where she was from and she replied "I came here from Africa" and the girl replies, "but your not black?" It just kinda showed to me how in America we define blackness as foreign and not true American. Depending on your level of pigmentation can determine your level of acceptance. If you look at our black celebs like Alecia keys, Beyonce, Rihanna, Chris Brown they are all mixed ethnicity and not "full black". Rarely are very darkly pigmented individuals displayed prominently in American culture except if they are Athletes.


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