Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Envy: Not the American Dream

I was recently watching the movie Envy with Ben Stiller and Jack Black and noticed how Stiller loses sight of the American Dream. In the movie Stiller and Black are best friends, neighbors, and co-workers, but the one thing Stiller has that Black does not is a family. However one day Black invents a product that makes fecies disappear and names it VaPoorize, becoming a millionaire overnight.
In class when everyone gave their description of the American Dream majority of people including me listed things such as a good job, a healthy family, and a nice house; something that Stiller had throughout the movie, but quickly lost sight of. As soon as Black became rich, Stiller's jealousy went through the roof and he lost track of how good he had it. He became rude to his family and started hating his job, only focusing on how much money Black had. Stiller loses sight of the American Dream of having a nice house, good job, and a healthy family, and becomes obsessed with money.

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