Monday, December 3, 2012

Awesome Superhero Phones

This video created by the HISHE website demonstrates the importance of technology and electronics in American society. Technological Advancements, as talked about in Carolyn De La Pena’s The Body Electric, are thought to improve the wellbeing and abilities of those who use electricity and the products associated with it.

In the video, Superman and Batman are discussing the “awesome” features of their phones and of how they “can do anything.” Their excited talk about the technology of their phones makes it seems like their abilities are increased with the help of the accessibilities gained by the phones. Also, as two very popular American icons, they symbolize the best of America and of how even the cream of the crop need technology to best their abilities. If they are ecstatic about what electricity and technology can and does do for them, then it makes the assumption that the average person needs technological help as well – and probably more. It just goes to show how electricity and technology are still very important to mankind, especially Americans.


  1. What I find interesting about this is that Superman isn't even human, much less "American" initially. He's Kryptonian. He does assimilate into American life in Metropolis, and he is most certainly an American icon - but he's not even from Earth. This demonstrates the concept of "becoming an American" in pop culture. Many superheros in DC share this trait with Superman - Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Aquaman, and Aqualad to name a few, along with the majority of the Green Lantern Corps.

  2. Also, Batman has always relied on technology, as he has no superpowers. He is the perfect example of "fixing yourself" with technology.
